based on 77 reviews
Etter ALTFOR mange år, med ALTFOR mange dårlige valg for meg selv, fant jeg endelig denne gjengen - og jeg har aldri følt meg så godt som jeg gjør nå! Jeg kontaktet OCS i en periode av livet hvor "ingenting" fungerte. Jeg spiste dårlig, sov dårlig, var stressa hjemme og på jobb, fikk lite resultater av treningen, var i dårlig humør og det meste va rett og slett kjipt. Så fikk jeg tatt en prat me... More
Etter ALTFOR mange år, med ALTFOR mange dårlige valg for meg selv, fant jeg endelig denne gjengen - og jeg har aldri følt meg så godt som jeg gjør nå! Jeg kontaktet OCS i en periode av livet hvor "ingenting" fungerte. Jeg spiste dårlig, sov dårlig, var stressa hjemme og på jobb, fikk lite resultater av treningen, var i dårlig humør og det meste va rett og slett kjipt. Så fikk jeg tatt en prat med Johan og Alexsandra som overbeviste meg om at dette skal vi ta kontroll på! Ikke bare er de faglig sterke, men de har også en perfekt tilnærming som balanserer mellom å sparke meg i r%va og ta hensyn til at man har en familie å ta seg av. Og jeg har tryna på veien! Men, gjennom samtaler og refleksjon har jeg lært av det, sånn at jeg forhåpentligvis ikke tryner like hardt neste gang, og iallefall slipper den dårlige samvittigheten😉 Kroppen er nå i bedre balanse enn noen gang! Jeg spiser skikkelig godt. Jeg får ikke dårlig samvittighet når jeg skeier ut (for da har jeg allerede tatt det med i planen), jeg løfter og yter mer enn jeg noen gang har gjort før, har masse energi, overbeviser familien mer og mer til å ta gode valg for seg selv, og ikke minst så synes jeg at det jeg ser i speilet ser sinnsykt bra ut - og enda er jeg ikke i mål!😅🔥 Anbefaler denne gjengen på det aller sterkeste! Less
Eg er veldig fornøgd med mi oppfølging av Alexsandra så langt! OCS har ein heilt annan måte å arbeide på enn eg har vore borti tidlegare. Dette er som eit personleg kurs i ernæring, og eg gler meg veldig til alt eg skal lære på vegen :)... More
Eg er veldig fornøgd med mi oppfølging av Alexsandra så langt! OCS har ein heilt annan måte å arbeide på enn eg har vore borti tidlegare. Dette er som eit personleg kurs i ernæring, og eg gler meg veldig til alt eg skal lære på vegen :) Less
Johan's coaching is personalized and effective! I am 58 years old and am losing weight that I never thought possible...age doesn't matter if you follow the process. Thank you for keeping me motivated and accountable! I feel happy and healthy and am more confident than ever (because of you!) that I can maintain this success! With gratitude, Donna... More
Johan's coaching is personalized and effective! I am 58 years old and am losing weight that I never thought possible...age doesn't matter if you follow the process. Thank you for keeping me motivated and accountable! I feel happy and healthy and am more confident than ever (because of you!) that I can maintain this success! With gratitude, Donna Less
Oppfatter OCS og Johan som meget seriøse. Det beste er at de setter søkelys på varige endringer i livstil og ikke bare kortsiktig vektnedgang. Johan er meget kunnskapsrik og det viktigste for meg er at han tilpasser ett opplegg til mitt arbeids og familie situasjon. Jeg har en jobb med ukentlige reiser noe som gjør individuell tilpassing viktig, noe han gjør på en mesterlig måte. Setter også pris... More
Oppfatter OCS og Johan som meget seriøse. Det beste er at de setter søkelys på varige endringer i livstil og ikke bare kortsiktig vektnedgang. Johan er meget kunnskapsrik og det viktigste for meg er at han tilpasser ett opplegg til mitt arbeids og familie situasjon. Jeg har en jobb med ukentlige reiser noe som gjør individuell tilpassing viktig, noe han gjør på en mesterlig måte. Setter også pris på at det er rom for å feile, forståelse for at ingen familier er like og ikke minst, det finnes alltid løsninger. Det beste er at disse løsningene som regel er utrolig enkle. Gleder meg til fortsettelsen og anbefaler på det varmeste. Less
OCS is the best!! For me, the hardest step was signing up, but I am sure glad I did. It has only been a few short months but my relationship with food is becoming much more harmonious. So far 2 things have resonated with me … you can’t cheat, a calorie is a calorie, and my job is to execute, Johan has the rest. The first showed me the error of my ways with past diets and the second gave me the... More
OCS is the best!! For me, the hardest step was signing up, but I am sure glad I did. It has only been a few short months but my relationship with food is becoming much more harmonious. So far 2 things have resonated with me … you can’t cheat, a calorie is a calorie, and my job is to execute, Johan has the rest. The first showed me the error of my ways with past diets and the second gave me the confidence that we are in this together, he has the hard part and my job is to just hit my targets! Sign up … you won’t regret it!! Less
I have been working with Johan for about six months. His coaching is excellent, and he helps you find your way to your goals in a realistic and healthy way. He keeps you accountable and does what he can to keep you motivated towards your goals. He achieves this by generally being a great lad, and addition that he has built a great community of customers who have a common goal. I highly recommend ... More
I have been working with Johan for about six months. His coaching is excellent, and he helps you find your way to your goals in a realistic and healthy way. He keeps you accountable and does what he can to keep you motivated towards your goals. He achieves this by generally being a great lad, and addition that he has built a great community of customers who have a common goal. I highly recommend to give his coaching a try. No matter wether your goal is to build muscle, lose weight or to increase performance in your preferred field, he will guide you and give his honest opinions as to how you can get there. Less
I’ve worked with Alex and OCS for a few months now, and have finally seen the results I’ve been trying to get on my own. Knowledgeable, honest and always on your team. Would recommend Alex to anyone!... More
I’ve worked with Alex and OCS for a few months now, and have finally seen the results I’ve been trying to get on my own. Knowledgeable, honest and always on your team. Would recommend Alex to anyone! Less
Jeg har hatt et par måneder med oppfølgning av Alexsandra, og er superfornøyd. Hun er helhetlig, faglig sterk og jeg opplever at både Alexsandra og Johan er genuint interessert i å dele sin kunnskap og energi. For meg resulterer det i et ønske om å ta gode valg og leve mitt beste liv, og en forståelse rundt hva som skal til for å nå egne mål. Digger også rammene for coachingen, hvor man både får ... More
Jeg har hatt et par måneder med oppfølgning av Alexsandra, og er superfornøyd. Hun er helhetlig, faglig sterk og jeg opplever at både Alexsandra og Johan er genuint interessert i å dele sin kunnskap og energi. For meg resulterer det i et ønske om å ta gode valg og leve mitt beste liv, og en forståelse rundt hva som skal til for å nå egne mål. Digger også rammene for coachingen, hvor man både får personlig oppfølgning, samt blir kurset igjennom aktuelle temaer. Dere motiverer - jeg anbefaler Alexsandra og Johan i høyeste grad! Less
Johan er full av god kunnskap og kan virkelig faget sitt. Jeg syns det han er aller best på er å se deg som person, din situasjon og dine ønsker og mål. Måten man også blir utfordret til å jobbe med seg selv mentalt elsker jeg. Kjempe fornøyd med hele opplegget fra Johan og Odyssey Coaching Systems!... More
Johan er full av god kunnskap og kan virkelig faget sitt. Jeg syns det han er aller best på er å se deg som person, din situasjon og dine ønsker og mål. Måten man også blir utfordret til å jobbe med seg selv mentalt elsker jeg. Kjempe fornøyd med hele opplegget fra Johan og Odyssey Coaching Systems! Less
OCS er en meget profesjonell og seriøs aktør. Jeg har opplevd veldig god service og gode personlige resultater. Jeg tar med meg verdifull kunnskap om kosthold, helse og ernæring resten livet etter dette. Anbefales til alle uansett ståsted og målsetning.... More
OCS er en meget profesjonell og seriøs aktør. Jeg har opplevd veldig god service og gode personlige resultater. Jeg tar med meg verdifull kunnskap om kosthold, helse og ernæring resten livet etter dette. Anbefales til alle uansett ståsted og målsetning. Less
Jeg opplever Johan og Odyssey Coaching Systems som en profesjonell aktør som gir en individuelt tilpasset og tett oppfølging på kosthold, trening og livsstilsendringer. Fra uke til uke blir jeg utfordret til å reflektere over nåværende status, analysere resultater og bli mer bevisst.... More
Jeg opplever Johan og Odyssey Coaching Systems som en profesjonell aktør som gir en individuelt tilpasset og tett oppfølging på kosthold, trening og livsstilsendringer. Fra uke til uke blir jeg utfordret til å reflektere over nåværende status, analysere resultater og bli mer bevisst. Less
Absolutely amazing coaching! Very professional. I’ve learned a lot about my self in the process and are absolutely recommending Odyssey to others wanting to improve their health and performance.... More
Absolutely amazing coaching! Very professional. I’ve learned a lot about my self in the process and are absolutely recommending Odyssey to others wanting to improve their health and performance. Less
I started this without knowing what i was doing now i feel i know more and the system used too track and see progress is super easy too use and super helpful too keep the motivation up bcs u can see the diffrence so easy, i feel like i learn more and more and get some good help on my journey... More
I started this without knowing what i was doing now i feel i know more and the system used too track and see progress is super easy too use and super helpful too keep the motivation up bcs u can see the diffrence so easy, i feel like i learn more and more and get some good help on my journey Less
I have loved working with Johan and odyssey coaching systems. I have been working with Johan for a little over 5 months and not only has he helped me physically with my weight and eating but more importantly with my mental health. I just feel so much better mentally that tackling learning to nourish my body properly is helping me to feel overall better. I highly recommend giving it a try and le... More
I have loved working with Johan and odyssey coaching systems. I have been working with Johan for a little over 5 months and not only has he helped me physically with my weight and eating but more importantly with my mental health. I just feel so much better mentally that tackling learning to nourish my body properly is helping me to feel overall better. I highly recommend giving it a try and learning better ways to take care of yourself. Less
I love working with Johan! It's kind of delayed sometimes because we are in very different locations, but he uses a lot of recorded videos which makes it easy for me to view when and where I am able, and doesn't disrupt my crazy days with meetings. He's very supportive but can be tough when necessary. I've learned a ton from him and I've been held accountable for my behaviors, which has helped me... More
I love working with Johan! It's kind of delayed sometimes because we are in very different locations, but he uses a lot of recorded videos which makes it easy for me to view when and where I am able, and doesn't disrupt my crazy days with meetings. He's very supportive but can be tough when necessary. I've learned a ton from him and I've been held accountable for my behaviors, which has helped me take on really good habits. Definitely recommend Johan for nutrition coaching! Less
Johan er en fantastisk coach. Ikke noe tull og tøys, bare fokus på sunn kost og i rett mengde. Krydret med trening. Ingen hokus pokus, ikke behov for å være toppidrettsutøver. Anbefales på det sterkeste.... More
Johan er en fantastisk coach. Ikke noe tull og tøys, bare fokus på sunn kost og i rett mengde. Krydret med trening. Ingen hokus pokus, ikke behov for å være toppidrettsutøver. Anbefales på det sterkeste. Less
During my coaching period with Johan, I have learned a lot. Now I know more about nutrition, and is not afraid to eat more, since I now know this is key for building muscles. I highly recommend Johan as a coach!... More
During my coaching period with Johan, I have learned a lot. Now I know more about nutrition, and is not afraid to eat more, since I now know this is key for building muscles. I highly recommend Johan as a coach! Less
I was struggling for years with my weight, always going up and down in an unnerving circle. Thanks to Johan I started creating better habits, and most of all I am tackling the reasons responsible for my former bad eating and exercise habits. Not yet where I want to be, but already feeling so much better. Thanks for the knowledge, the support and all of that packed with a sense of humor :)... More
I was struggling for years with my weight, always going up and down in an unnerving circle. Thanks to Johan I started creating better habits, and most of all I am tackling the reasons responsible for my former bad eating and exercise habits. Not yet where I want to be, but already feeling so much better. Thanks for the knowledge, the support and all of that packed with a sense of humor :) Less
Johan is great at what he does! He has not only helped me with weight loss, but adjusting my mindset towards diet and exercise as well. He shares so much knowledge and he gives you the ability to set and schedule your goals around your life. I feel the best I ever have, I feel so healthy and strong, and I am incredibly grateful for all of Johan's help, guidance and knowledge. Working with Johan h... More
Johan is great at what he does! He has not only helped me with weight loss, but adjusting my mindset towards diet and exercise as well. He shares so much knowledge and he gives you the ability to set and schedule your goals around your life. I feel the best I ever have, I feel so healthy and strong, and I am incredibly grateful for all of Johan's help, guidance and knowledge. Working with Johan has been a game changer!! Less
Johan, thank you for standing side by side in this beautiful proces. Your guidance has brought me to another level of nutrition and lifestyle. From coach to coach; a great investment for yourself and others!... More
Johan, thank you for standing side by side in this beautiful proces. Your guidance has brought me to another level of nutrition and lifestyle. From coach to coach; a great investment for yourself and others! Less
Johan has an approach of being the passenger to the car you’re driving. I can hands down say he’s the best passenger ever!! I’ve been taught so many things from nutrition to goal setting, planning, prepping, tracking and being kind to my body. Learning that food isn’t the enemy and learning to give myself grace but keeping my ultimate goal in mind is the best tool I have taken away from this expe... More
Johan has an approach of being the passenger to the car you’re driving. I can hands down say he’s the best passenger ever!! I’ve been taught so many things from nutrition to goal setting, planning, prepping, tracking and being kind to my body. Learning that food isn’t the enemy and learning to give myself grace but keeping my ultimate goal in mind is the best tool I have taken away from this experience. I’ve gained a friend in both myself and in Johan. Every time I think he’s going to dad me in a feedback video, he always validates me and brings me back down to earth. I’m so much better to me because of him. Don’t walk, RUN and invest with the Vest! Less
Johan Vesters is the real deal. I never thought I could get this much help from someone, reach my goals and still feel good about myself. Sustainable, continuity, accountability are keywords + room for the “fun stuff”. This is not just another diet or someone taking your money because they can. This is a process within yourself, and then you’ll be set for life. Would totally recommend💪🏻... More
Johan Vesters is the real deal. I never thought I could get this much help from someone, reach my goals and still feel good about myself. Sustainable, continuity, accountability are keywords + room for the “fun stuff”. This is not just another diet or someone taking your money because they can. This is a process within yourself, and then you’ll be set for life. Would totally recommend💪🏻 Less
Love Johan attitude and the approach of you still have to live but if this is your goal here is how to do it. It’s not fast but damn it works. Recommend him and Odyssey to all my friends and athletes at CrossFit.... More
Love Johan attitude and the approach of you still have to live but if this is your goal here is how to do it. It’s not fast but damn it works. Recommend him and Odyssey to all my friends and athletes at CrossFit. Less
Johan came to me at the right moment! Last winter I was weighing about 5 kg's above my normal weight and I was wondering how I was going to get back in shape before the summer and at that moment I found Johan. He helped me lose about 9 kg's in 6 months and the process was pretty easy for me; I was already working out a bit and weighing my food. We had to get my macro's in check and once I was on ... More
Johan came to me at the right moment! Last winter I was weighing about 5 kg's above my normal weight and I was wondering how I was going to get back in shape before the summer and at that moment I found Johan. He helped me lose about 9 kg's in 6 months and the process was pretty easy for me; I was already working out a bit and weighing my food. We had to get my macro's in check and once I was on maintenance calories with the right macro's we started doing a 12 week cut. I was quite hungry at times but Johan talked me through! I'm getting back to maintenance now and Johan is going to help me put on some muscle after the summer, I'm looking forward to that. Thank you Johan! Less
I would recommend Him for sure ! I Know Johan for 5 months, been my Nutrition Coach and Guide !!! Just following is instructions with a detailed Plan and periodization , In just 2 monthes lost about 1 inches of my gut ! getting stronger in the gym by having a solid and Flexible meal plan !!! He is always there for you ! always Positive !! Always trying to educate you on WHY ? HOW ? and Where you... More
I would recommend Him for sure ! I Know Johan for 5 months, been my Nutrition Coach and Guide !!! Just following is instructions with a detailed Plan and periodization , In just 2 monthes lost about 1 inches of my gut ! getting stronger in the gym by having a solid and Flexible meal plan !!! He is always there for you ! always Positive !! Always trying to educate you on WHY ? HOW ? and Where you need to go ! Would recomend him for sure !!!! Less
OCS has really been a great addition to my life. Before I reached out I was in a bad place. It felt like despite how much I trained, I never made any progress. And I was constantly overwhelmed by conflicting advice about nutrition from several sources, including personal trainers, nutrition experts and "promising health articles" online. Then, I met Johan. He got straight to business and taught... More
OCS has really been a great addition to my life. Before I reached out I was in a bad place. It felt like despite how much I trained, I never made any progress. And I was constantly overwhelmed by conflicting advice about nutrition from several sources, including personal trainers, nutrition experts and "promising health articles" online. Then, I met Johan. He got straight to business and taught me everything that I had been wondering about for years, in just a couple of days. He also asked for my goals, and made a reasonable plan for me to follow. Now, we have been working together for about 6 months, and already I have lost approximately 14kg. It has really been a motivational boost, and I have never felt more happy about my own body and self-image. I also feel like I have gotten a lot healthier. I now eat more quality food, and make portions which fit my energy usage. What I really like about OCS is that Johan keeps an eye on you every week. It is not like other advisors, which you talk to once and never meet again. Here, you get constant advice on how to move forwards all the time! Additionally, Johan is always quick to answer all kinds of questions! If you are confused about nutrition or unhappy about your self-image, then OCS is definitely the right place to go :) Less
Meget kunnskapsrik coach👍🏼
I reached out to Johan when I was in a really low spot. Mentally and physically. My body wasn’t responding and I needed his help. Johan and I chatted, he asked me what my goals were and we agreed that they were very achievable and that he could help. I also have some small health issues that he seemed very very knowledgeable about, including endometriosis and no gallbladder. So we began the journ... More
I reached out to Johan when I was in a really low spot. Mentally and physically. My body wasn’t responding and I needed his help. Johan and I chatted, he asked me what my goals were and we agreed that they were very achievable and that he could help. I also have some small health issues that he seemed very very knowledgeable about, including endometriosis and no gallbladder. So we began the journey and let me tell you… Johan is AMAZING!! The results after simply one month 😍 then the results after 3?! Even better! I recommend Johan to everyone! He’s super knowledgeable and doesn’t judge if you cheat or have a bad weekend. He’s real! He’s amazing. Hire him now! I can’t say enough amazing things about him. Not only has he helped me physically, but also mentally. Less
Johan is a super coach. He supports you in every way and never makes you feel like you’re failing even if you have a bad week. He always points out positive things to keep you going. I feel 100 times better then ever since I started working with Johan. 200% recommended... More
Johan is a super coach. He supports you in every way and never makes you feel like you’re failing even if you have a bad week. He always points out positive things to keep you going. I feel 100 times better then ever since I started working with Johan. 200% recommended Less
Johan har gitt meg tett og god oppfølging innen kosthold og trening. En coach som er opptatt av å gi råd som skal bli etablerte og varige. Han har lært meg hvordan jeg kan endre mine vaner selv i de mest hektiske perioder. Jeg har opplevd Johan som trygg og støttende i en prosess som til tider har vært både frustrerende og utfordrende. Svært takknemlig for hjelpen han gir meg. Anbefales for alle ... More
Johan har gitt meg tett og god oppfølging innen kosthold og trening. En coach som er opptatt av å gi råd som skal bli etablerte og varige. Han har lært meg hvordan jeg kan endre mine vaner selv i de mest hektiske perioder. Jeg har opplevd Johan som trygg og støttende i en prosess som til tider har vært både frustrerende og utfordrende. Svært takknemlig for hjelpen han gir meg. Anbefales for alle som ønsker å endre vaner innenfor trening og kosthold. Less
Johan at Odyssey Coaching really helped me out to find a better balance in my daily life. Before I joined ODS I was constantly up and down in weight drastically with going too hard on a certain diet and then not being able to maintain it and gain all the freshly lost weight back because of not really knowing what I was doing. Johan has helped me figure this out so much better, I am losing weight... More
Johan at Odyssey Coaching really helped me out to find a better balance in my daily life. Before I joined ODS I was constantly up and down in weight drastically with going too hard on a certain diet and then not being able to maintain it and gain all the freshly lost weight back because of not really knowing what I was doing. Johan has helped me figure this out so much better, I am losing weight in a slower pace but I feel like this time I can keep it off. I am less hungry and my body feels healthier and fresher than ever before! Less
Johan is a great nutrition coach who shows and teaches you the best ways to get your nutrition on the right track! Stay true to the coaching, and it will give you the results you want!... More
Johan is a great nutrition coach who shows and teaches you the best ways to get your nutrition on the right track! Stay true to the coaching, and it will give you the results you want! Less
Before coaching I felt pretty lazy, wasn't eating right. During coaching I started to understand how nutrition can also really benefit your state of mind. Way more positive energy, and a new mind set that helps me reach goals. A lot less "i'll do it tomorrow/next week/next month" Way more "let's go!!" It's great working with someone who takes time to explain stuff, and also in a way that you can ... More
Before coaching I felt pretty lazy, wasn't eating right. During coaching I started to understand how nutrition can also really benefit your state of mind. Way more positive energy, and a new mind set that helps me reach goals. A lot less "i'll do it tomorrow/next week/next month" Way more "let's go!!" It's great working with someone who takes time to explain stuff, and also in a way that you can understand. Less
Worked with Johan the last months and have had great results. I really like his practical and flexible approach to nutrition and training. Keeping it simple helps me to have consistency in the long run. Thank you so much!... More
Worked with Johan the last months and have had great results. I really like his practical and flexible approach to nutrition and training. Keeping it simple helps me to have consistency in the long run. Thank you so much! Less
Working with Johan helped me achieve my long-desired goal. His support and encouragement helped me through the tough times and always motivated me to keep going, where I probably would have given up without him. He's reliable, transparent, and adapts the coaching to one's lifestyle. 10/10 would do it again!... More
Working with Johan helped me achieve my long-desired goal. His support and encouragement helped me through the tough times and always motivated me to keep going, where I probably would have given up without him. He's reliable, transparent, and adapts the coaching to one's lifestyle. 10/10 would do it again! Less
Has good competence and coaches in a very good way. Achievable goals, and necessary adjustments along the way. No matter what your goals are - weight cut/gain or just improving on your selection of food to get more energy/improving performance in gym, work or family life Johan can be recommended :-)... More
Has good competence and coaches in a very good way. Achievable goals, and necessary adjustments along the way. No matter what your goals are - weight cut/gain or just improving on your selection of food to get more energy/improving performance in gym, work or family life Johan can be recommended :-) Less
Meget kunnskapsrik coach som gir deg de metodene og verktøyene du trenger for å gå ned i vekt og ikke minst bli værende der:) No bs med shaker eller noe man ikke skal spise, kun fokus på mengder, næringssammensetning og å få rørt seg litt, fantastisk at vektreduksjon ikke trenger å være mere komplisert enn som så:)... More
Meget kunnskapsrik coach som gir deg de metodene og verktøyene du trenger for å gå ned i vekt og ikke minst bli værende der:) No bs med shaker eller noe man ikke skal spise, kun fokus på mengder, næringssammensetning og å få rørt seg litt, fantastisk at vektreduksjon ikke trenger å være mere komplisert enn som så:) Less
Å ha Johan som coach er fantastisk! Han tar seg tid til å lytte, forstår og legger til rette slik at alt skjer på dine premisser. Han gjør ernæring enkelt og trivelig, og det føles virkelig som at han spiller på laget ditt. Trenger du å pushes litt for å nå målene dine gjør han det på en god måte, og han er heller ikke redd for å be deg roe ned om du blir for ivrig. Viktigst av alt er at han er o... More
Å ha Johan som coach er fantastisk! Han tar seg tid til å lytte, forstår og legger til rette slik at alt skjer på dine premisser. Han gjør ernæring enkelt og trivelig, og det føles virkelig som at han spiller på laget ditt. Trenger du å pushes litt for å nå målene dine gjør han det på en god måte, og han er heller ikke redd for å be deg roe ned om du blir for ivrig. Viktigst av alt er at han er opptatt av at det skal være levelig for deg, og at ernæring ikke skal gå på bekostning av livet. Less
Johan is the perfect coach for me. He made nutrition practicable on daily basis and supported me whenever I needed it. Working together with him makes a lot of fun and the results are great as well! Thank you so much for changing my whole mindset on nutrition. 🙏🏻... More
Johan is the perfect coach for me. He made nutrition practicable on daily basis and supported me whenever I needed it. Working together with him makes a lot of fun and the results are great as well! Thank you so much for changing my whole mindset on nutrition. 🙏🏻 Less
Voor mijn samenwerking met Johan was ik op en aan al bezig met veel sporten en letten op mijn eten. Door mijn gebrek aan kennis op het gebied van voeding heb ik Johan benaderd om me hierbij te ondersteunen. Johan heeft tijdens onze samenwerking ervoor gezorgd dat ik mijn doelen heb kunnen bereiken maar ook in de toekomst zelf een veel betere basis kennis heb om dan ook zelf verschillende doelen ... More
Voor mijn samenwerking met Johan was ik op en aan al bezig met veel sporten en letten op mijn eten. Door mijn gebrek aan kennis op het gebied van voeding heb ik Johan benaderd om me hierbij te ondersteunen. Johan heeft tijdens onze samenwerking ervoor gezorgd dat ik mijn doelen heb kunnen bereiken maar ook in de toekomst zelf een veel betere basis kennis heb om dan ook zelf verschillende doelen beter kan nastreven. Less
I have worked with Johan for the past four months, and I truly appreciate how he balances his theoretical knowledge with a practical approach. His knowledge in nutrition is rock solid and his approach in teaching you how to be independent and getting the know-how yourself is a sustainable way of going his line of coaching. I have recommended him to my close friends and will give him my best recom... More
I have worked with Johan for the past four months, and I truly appreciate how he balances his theoretical knowledge with a practical approach. His knowledge in nutrition is rock solid and his approach in teaching you how to be independent and getting the know-how yourself is a sustainable way of going his line of coaching. I have recommended him to my close friends and will give him my best recommendations. Less
I would recommend johan to everyone that needs help with their nutrition. He is a very supportive coach and do motivate you with his great knowledge.
Ich habe mich immer sehr schwer getan mit der Ernährung um Gewicht zu verlieren. Man liest so viel und man bekommt 1000 verschiedene Aussagen zu dem Thema. Ich bin mit Johan in Kontakt getreten und von der ersten Sekunde habe ich mich bei ihm gut aufgehoben gefühlt! Ich lerne sehr viel über Ernährung und das auch mit Spaß an der ganzen Sache. Am Anfang hatte ich etwas Angst wegen anderen Sprache ... More
Ich habe mich immer sehr schwer getan mit der Ernährung um Gewicht zu verlieren. Man liest so viel und man bekommt 1000 verschiedene Aussagen zu dem Thema. Ich bin mit Johan in Kontakt getreten und von der ersten Sekunde habe ich mich bei ihm gut aufgehoben gefühlt! Ich lerne sehr viel über Ernährung und das auch mit Spaß an der ganzen Sache. Am Anfang hatte ich etwas Angst wegen anderen Sprache und ob ich es verstehen würde aber Johan nimmt sich die Zeit für einen und selbst wenn man mal etwas nicht richtig versteht ist er für einen da und erklärt es genauer. Ich bin total glücklich Vesters Nutrition an meiner Seite zu haben und würde ihn immer empfehlen wenn man seine Ernährung umstellen will! Less
Johan gjør kosthold til et enkelt og overkommelig tema, uansett hvilket forhold en har til det. Med ukentlig, detaljert oppfølging over lengere tid har jeg optimalisert mitt kosthold med tanke på trening og fysisk aktivitet, som der igjen går hånd i hånd med livet ellers. Johan kan på mitt sterkeste anbefales som kostholdsveileder til alle sammen, uansett ståsted! Ryddig, detaljert og svært dykt... More
Johan gjør kosthold til et enkelt og overkommelig tema, uansett hvilket forhold en har til det. Med ukentlig, detaljert oppfølging over lengere tid har jeg optimalisert mitt kosthold med tanke på trening og fysisk aktivitet, som der igjen går hånd i hånd med livet ellers. Johan kan på mitt sterkeste anbefales som kostholdsveileder til alle sammen, uansett ståsted! Ryddig, detaljert og svært dyktig innenfor sitt fagfelt! Less
Johan helps people build a happy and sustainable relationship with food and nutrition.
Learning from Johan is the best. He educates his clients in nutrition, overall well-being and how to benefit from your workouts. He’s using a system that makes everything straight forward and makes the learning process both fun and rewarding! Recommended!... More
Learning from Johan is the best. He educates his clients in nutrition, overall well-being and how to benefit from your workouts. He’s using a system that makes everything straight forward and makes the learning process both fun and rewarding! Recommended! Less
Great guy, great results, great price! What more do you want? highly recommend
Johan Vesters er legit.
I’ve known Johan for the last decade and have seen his fitness journey flourish. I approached Johan about nutritional coaching a few months back and it has been fantastic. Not only have I felt that Johan has provided me with the highest level of guidance and mentoring, I’ve also managed to learn quite a bit about nutrition from the experience as well. I highly recommend getting on board with Vest... More
I’ve known Johan for the last decade and have seen his fitness journey flourish. I approached Johan about nutritional coaching a few months back and it has been fantastic. Not only have I felt that Johan has provided me with the highest level of guidance and mentoring, I’ve also managed to learn quite a bit about nutrition from the experience as well. I highly recommend getting on board with Vester’s Nutrition if you’re serious about taking steps to better your health. Less
Ik ben ontzettend blij dat ik Johan heb ingeschakeld! Ik zag door de bomen het bos niet meer en wist zelf niet waar ik moest beginnen. Ik was op zoek naar een manier om mijn voedingspatroon structureel te veranderen en hier heeft Johan mij heel goed bij geholpen. Hij denkt met je mee, houdt altijd rekening met je wensen en focust niet alleen op voeding, maar ook op andere factoren die bijdragen a... More
Ik ben ontzettend blij dat ik Johan heb ingeschakeld! Ik zag door de bomen het bos niet meer en wist zelf niet waar ik moest beginnen. Ik was op zoek naar een manier om mijn voedingspatroon structureel te veranderen en hier heeft Johan mij heel goed bij geholpen. Hij denkt met je mee, houdt altijd rekening met je wensen en focust niet alleen op voeding, maar ook op andere factoren die bijdragen aan een gezond lichaam. Less
The Northern Guide of your nutrition
Had a great time working together. Johan's knowledge as a nutrition coach has helped me reach my goal.
Johan hat einen Super Job gemacht, ich habe mich jederzeit gut aufgehoben gefunden. Zudem macht das Coaching von Ihm sehr Spass. Ich kann wirklich jedem empfehlen mit ihm in Kontakt zu treten.... More
Johan hat einen Super Job gemacht, ich habe mich jederzeit gut aufgehoben gefunden. Zudem macht das Coaching von Ihm sehr Spass. Ich kann wirklich jedem empfehlen mit ihm in Kontakt zu treten. Less
Great source of knowledge and motivation. He goes above and beyond the clauses and actually helps you with workouts, nutrition and overall well being. If you are serious about changing your habits and getting in good shape then don’t doubt it for a second.... More
Great source of knowledge and motivation. He goes above and beyond the clauses and actually helps you with workouts, nutrition and overall well being. If you are serious about changing your habits and getting in good shape then don’t doubt it for a second. Less
My first meeting with Johan was when I started with crossfitt, noticed that I needed more energy due to hectic work and long days, also struggled with what I should eat and when I should eat. thought that as long as there was protein in it it was good to eat. so when I came to training I was out of energy, I also aimed to achieve results! so I contacted johan! so now i have been working with joha... More
My first meeting with Johan was when I started with crossfitt, noticed that I needed more energy due to hectic work and long days, also struggled with what I should eat and when I should eat. thought that as long as there was protein in it it was good to eat. so when I came to training I was out of energy, I also aimed to achieve results! so I contacted johan! so now i have been working with johan for almost 3 months, results are there!I sleep better, I eat better, I have replaced potato chips and beer with a healthier alternative, I have more energy at both work and training. better self-confidence. He is a super cool guy, he answers you quickly if you have any questions, so Vester Nutrition is Highly recommend! Less
Dit is de persoon die je verder helpt in het verbeteren van je levensstijl. Met voeding als basis helpt hij doormiddel van vakkennis, persoonlijke aandacht en oog op je ontwikkeling je persoonlijke doelen te halen. Naast voeding is er aandacht voor alle factoren die effect hebben op je welzijn en welbevinden. De beste opstap voor het verbeteren van je (plantaardige) levensstijl.... More
Dit is de persoon die je verder helpt in het verbeteren van je levensstijl. Met voeding als basis helpt hij doormiddel van vakkennis, persoonlijke aandacht en oog op je ontwikkeling je persoonlijke doelen te halen. Naast voeding is er aandacht voor alle factoren die effect hebben op je welzijn en welbevinden. De beste opstap voor het verbeteren van je (plantaardige) levensstijl. Less
Jeg har prøvd mye forskjellig, men aldri hatt like gode resultater. Johannes kan utrolig mye om kosthold, trening og vaner. Johannes har gitt meg en forståelse om kosthold og trening som jeg aldri ville vært foruten. Dette er verktøy som er enkle å implementere i en hektisk hverdag - og som fungerer i det lange løp. Johannes har tilpasset et opplegg som passer meg personlig - og har gitt meg tett... More
Jeg har prøvd mye forskjellig, men aldri hatt like gode resultater. Johannes kan utrolig mye om kosthold, trening og vaner. Johannes har gitt meg en forståelse om kosthold og trening som jeg aldri ville vært foruten. Dette er verktøy som er enkle å implementere i en hektisk hverdag - og som fungerer i det lange løp. Johannes har tilpasset et opplegg som passer meg personlig - og har gitt meg tett oppfølging. Johannes ser "hele deg" og er i tillegg til kosthold og trening opptatt av for eksempel stress, søvn og hvile. I løpet av tre måneder med oppfølging fra Johannes har jeg oppnådd følgende: - Synlige resultater (både fysisk og psykisk) - Bedre prestasjoner på trening (økt styrke og bedre kondisjon) - Økt kunnskap om mat - Bedre søvn og mindre stress (mer energi og overskudd i hverdagen) Jeg gir Johannes mine sterkeste anbefalinger. Less
Føler meg veldig godt ivaretatt av Johannes. Han er en fantastisk person med veldig mye kunnskap. Han er alltid villig til å hjelpe og kommer med gode råd. Etter at jeg joined Vesters Nutrition har jeg merket stor fremgang på treninga og fått en mye bedre hverdag.... More
Føler meg veldig godt ivaretatt av Johannes. Han er en fantastisk person med veldig mye kunnskap. Han er alltid villig til å hjelpe og kommer med gode råd. Etter at jeg joined Vesters Nutrition har jeg merket stor fremgang på treninga og fått en mye bedre hverdag. Less
Jobber som nattevakt, ikke optimal for kroppen. Med hjelp fra Johannes har vi sammen funnet en vei. Mål bli nådd. Oppfølging ukentlig er helt topp. Tipps og forklaringer på hvorfor tinåg blir slik de blir. Gleder meg til veien videre. Anbefales på det sterkeste, om du leker med tanken.... More
Jobber som nattevakt, ikke optimal for kroppen. Med hjelp fra Johannes har vi sammen funnet en vei. Mål bli nådd. Oppfølging ukentlig er helt topp. Tipps og forklaringer på hvorfor tinåg blir slik de blir. Gleder meg til veien videre. Anbefales på det sterkeste, om du leker med tanken. Less
One heck of a coach who finds time for you and your needs no matter what time it is! He knows what he's talking about and definitely gives you that extra push!... More
One heck of a coach who finds time for you and your needs no matter what time it is! He knows what he's talking about and definitely gives you that extra push! Less
Anbefaler å prøve. Fantastisk oppfølging!
Always just a text away. Fantastic to haw Johannes in your corner.
Very professional and on Point service .