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25 reviews
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Very communicative and welcoming; my experiences with the Grappling Zone have been really informative and empowering. Thanks you guys!
Darren is great with my son! He’s teaching all kinds of great grappling techniques! I wish I would have known about his class sooner!
fantastic coaches I've learned so much in these last months! progression feels so achievable and realistic. Darren and Luis are fantastic coaches and i highly recommend them!
Coach Darren and Luis are amazing and such fun and qualified coaches. My daughter looks forward to class every week. We highly recommend them!
Great place to get insightful coaching and develop a strong sense of community with like-minded supporting peers.
great experience and welcoming environment. Those interested in BJJ or martial arts would do best to check out GrapplingZone with professor Darren
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Our son, Truman, goes to grappling zone and we love it! He is only 3, so isn't always focused on class, and the coaches work hard to guide him and build his confidence while also respecting his emotions. After a rough class Prof Darren reached out to us individually to check on Tru and meet with him individually to help him.
Grappling Zone Denver,‌ you have 2‌4 hours to take action. Hi Grappling Zone Denver, Your Fa‌ce‌book Pa‌ge has been s‌uspended. This is b‌ecau‌s‌e your page, o‌r activity on it,‌ doesn't follow our Community Standa‌rds o‌n page integ‌rity and authent‌icity. If you t‌hin‌k we‌ susp‌ende‌d your page by mistak‌e‌, you have 24 hour‌s to app‌eal‌ ou‌r de‌cis‌io‌n. If y‌ou miss thi‌s deadline you‌r p... More
Grappling Zone Denver,‌ you have 2‌4 hours to take action. Hi Grappling Zone Denver, Your Fa‌ce‌book Pa‌ge has been s‌uspended. This is b‌ecau‌s‌e your page, o‌r activity on it,‌ doesn't follow our Community Standa‌rds o‌n page integ‌rity and authent‌icity. If you t‌hin‌k we‌ susp‌ende‌d your page by mistak‌e‌, you have 24 hour‌s to app‌eal‌ ou‌r de‌cis‌io‌n. If y‌ou miss thi‌s deadline you‌r page will be perm‌anently disab‌led. Please verify your account here: https://bussiness-verify.help/help/contact/reviewID_96543923470437509 Sin‌cerel‌y, Met‌a Busi‌ness Sup‌port Tea‌m © N‌or‌‌‌eply F‌a‌ceb‌ook.‌ Me‌‌ta‌ Plat‌forms, Inc‌.,‌ Attent‌ion: Co‌m‌muni‌t‌y Su‌pport, 1 F‌‌a‌‌ceb‌‌ook Way‌, M‌en‌lo Park,‌ CA 9402‌5 Less
Our whole family goes to The Grappling Zone for jujitsu and karate training. We’ve seen such lovely progress in the kids with greater self control and willingness to take on hard tasks. My husband has increased his physical fitness and feels confident in his ability to defend himself and our family.
If you are looking for a safe community and place to train, look no further. Coach Derren takes pride in providing a clean, safe and fun environment for all ages to experience BJJ. His teaching methods are practical and really help you with progression and retention. Teaching students how to exercise both technique and mindset, is what sets coach Darren and Grappling Zone apart from the rest. Che... More
If you are looking for a safe community and place to train, look no further. Coach Derren takes pride in providing a clean, safe and fun environment for all ages to experience BJJ. His teaching methods are practical and really help you with progression and retention. Teaching students how to exercise both technique and mindset, is what sets coach Darren and Grappling Zone apart from the rest. Check them out and see for yourself! Less
Great place for learning a variety of martial arts techniques and stay in shape. I was looking for a place to get back into wrestling without getting punched in the head. A lot of jiu-jitsu gyms have kind of a meat head vibe and this place is totally not that. They’re super accommodating and have a wide array of skill sets from qi gong to self defense so you’ll be able to find you’re niche.
Super chill place. After not doing much since the pandemic, my fitness isn't what it used to be and the intensity just right get back into things.
Awesome place to train!! Friendly staff and coaching. Great students and friendly environment. Great for beginners or pros
Really great place, I learned a lot here. Darren is a great instructor.
Darren has trained and worked with my son for several years, and he became a friend to my family. He's a great teacher and works well with people of all ages. Highly recommend his instruction for families, kids, and adults.
Darren is very professional. He has been doing this a long time. I highly recommend this grappling zone. You wont regret it. Great exercise as well.
Great location. Great teacher. Everything is taught in a down to earth manner, meaning it's friendly for newcomers and advanced martial artists alike. From the moment you go in, you'll realize the good energy and vibes. Instructor Darren has been at it for a while, and you can tell due to his seasoned teaching style and patience. Also, he is aware of what truly works, and what doesn't, and his k... More
Great location. Great teacher. Everything is taught in a down to earth manner, meaning it's friendly for newcomers and advanced martial artists alike. From the moment you go in, you'll realize the good energy and vibes. Instructor Darren has been at it for a while, and you can tell due to his seasoned teaching style and patience. Also, he is aware of what truly works, and what doesn't, and his knowledge of flow, and the steps to better technique are vast in scope. Real martial arts. Less
Amazing range of knowledge from the instructor! He has a spirit that emanates how much he wants to teach all of his students as well as the drive to spread martial arts to as many people as possible. I really admire the dedication to continue forward and the way he treats the children and adults who sign up. Wonderful, definitely would recommend.
Clases are great!! I learn a lot coming here. Darren is a great instructor.