Google Reviews
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25 reviews
The best decision healthwise I have made in my life by calling Cleveland Nutrition. Bloated, tired all the time, morbidly obese is how I might describe myself...before. My joints would ache constantly, gout was terrible, my blood pressure was through the roof. Always falling for the latest diet fad. It would work for a month then I'd gain the weight back plus more. With Dr. Gutmans diet plan and ... More
The best decision healthwise I have made in my life by calling Cleveland Nutrition. Bloated, tired all the time, morbidly obese is how I might describe myself...before. My joints would ache constantly, gout was terrible, my blood pressure was through the roof. Always falling for the latest diet fad. It would work for a month then I'd gain the weight back plus more. With Dr. Gutmans diet plan and Sophia's help implementing it, I have lost 50 lbs in 3 months. No more achie joints, gout has all but dissapeared, blood pressure is consistantly lower, and I have more energy than I've had in 20 plus years. I dont know where I'd be a year from now or even today be without Cleveland Nutrition's help... Thanks Dr. Gutman and Sophia!!! Less
I can't speak highly enough about my experience with Cleveland Nutrition. They've been instrumental in helping me improve my health in so many ways. Thanks to their guidance and coaching, I've successfully lowered my cholesterol and blood pressure, lost weight, and adopted a more active lifestyle. If you're looking for a supportive team to help you achieve your health goals, I highly recommend C... More
I can't speak highly enough about my experience with Cleveland Nutrition. They've been instrumental in helping me improve my health in so many ways. Thanks to their guidance and coaching, I've successfully lowered my cholesterol and blood pressure, lost weight, and adopted a more active lifestyle. If you're looking for a supportive team to help you achieve your health goals, I highly recommend Cleveland Nutrition. Less
I was referred to Cleveland Nutrition by another doctor and am so glad I was. Dr Gutman and Sophie have a terrific program that's worth every penny. Their approach to nutrition is not only healthy but also sustainable! I've been on a ton of meal plans and diets, but nothing helped my digestive system like this has. Yes, it's plant-based and I was a little nervous to begin but it's amazing. My com... More
I was referred to Cleveland Nutrition by another doctor and am so glad I was. Dr Gutman and Sophie have a terrific program that's worth every penny. Their approach to nutrition is not only healthy but also sustainable! I've been on a ton of meal plans and diets, but nothing helped my digestive system like this has. Yes, it's plant-based and I was a little nervous to begin but it's amazing. My complexion is better, my digestive track is better. I'm losing weight without even trying! It's the best decision I've made in a long time. It's time we started spending money on healthy options and foods that fuel our bodies instead of wasting money on garbage food and medicine to help the symptoms and issues that are caused by it. You'll be amazed by how quickly your body starts craving all this good stuff! Less
You are what you eat! Food is medicine! Those two statements are truth and fact! At Cleveland Nutrition under the guidance of Dr. Gutman and Sophie Schoen and following their recommended plant-based vegan diet; I am on the road to reversing diabetes and hypertension. Since June of 2023, I have dropped two diabetes medicines, loss 50 lbs. and transitioned to a more effective medication for hyp... More
You are what you eat! Food is medicine! Those two statements are truth and fact! At Cleveland Nutrition under the guidance of Dr. Gutman and Sophie Schoen and following their recommended plant-based vegan diet; I am on the road to reversing diabetes and hypertension. Since June of 2023, I have dropped two diabetes medicines, loss 50 lbs. and transitioned to a more effective medication for hypertension. Most importantly my A1C has been 5.5 (September 2023) and 6.4 (February 2024). Sophie is so knowledgeable and encouraging! The website is an amazing resource as well. I look forward to reversing these chronic diseases and being free of medicines in the near future. My husband researched Cleveland Nutrition and encouraged me to give them a try. I am so glad that I did! Less
Sophie is a lifesaver! Three months after starting services with the practice; my cholesterol bloodwork was the lowest in years!!!! I wish I would have gone here years ago. Heart disease runs rampant in my family and I have been on medication to manage my cholesterol for about 15 years. I can’t remember the last time I had positive results from changing my diet!
My doctor referred me to Cleveland Nutrition and I'm so glad she did. I have been a vegetarian for many years, but felt that I wasn't getting the proper nutrition I needed from my diet (lots of fried foods and cheeses and not a lot of greens). My body image suffered, my mental health suffered, and I knew the foods I was eating were only hurting me. I got to work with Sophie Schoen 1:1 for the 8 w... More
My doctor referred me to Cleveland Nutrition and I'm so glad she did. I have been a vegetarian for many years, but felt that I wasn't getting the proper nutrition I needed from my diet (lots of fried foods and cheeses and not a lot of greens). My body image suffered, my mental health suffered, and I knew the foods I was eating were only hurting me. I got to work with Sophie Schoen 1:1 for the 8 week program and she is just an incredible provider. She has always been able to answer any questions I had, gave me so much support along the journey, and gave me constructive feedback when I needed it. Overall the program has taught me a lot that I have been able to consider when making decisions for myself and my diet, in a way that is manageable and approachable. Less
I would love to personally recommend the Cleveland Nutrition team and program. Favorite aspects of the program: - Accountability!! Customized, personal attention from Sophie (the dietitian) for minimum 2 weeks - almost immediate feedback about nutrition choices, ways to improve, reset, think about overall diet and health, etc…having this almost immediate feedback at the start of the program was... More
I would love to personally recommend the Cleveland Nutrition team and program. Favorite aspects of the program: - Accountability!! Customized, personal attention from Sophie (the dietitian) for minimum 2 weeks - almost immediate feedback about nutrition choices, ways to improve, reset, think about overall diet and health, etc…having this almost immediate feedback at the start of the program was really the key to building the healthy habits early - The courses/modules Dr. Gutman created to view throughout the program; I thought the content was very engaging and thought provoking - lots of wild research presented and evidence based answers to questions like “how to lower my cancer risk?” “how much protein do humans need?” etc. It added an objective answer to “why am I doing this?” and that helped reinforce the concepts that were already being acted on. - I lost weight! I feel better! I saved money!! - Sophie was great about doing many of my nutrition follow ups over Zoom - saved driving time and was still very effective! By the way, Sophie was a huge cheerleader throughout the program and a wonderful, optimistic, positive force. Least favorite aspects of the program: - I didn’t like the user interface of the recipes. There are over 1200 recipes listed but I am more of a visual person and didn’t care to read through the text. Sophie recommended the PlantYou cookbook which I loved and made many, many recipes from. Overall, I was absolutely thrilled with the program and look forward to continuing on the journey. Less
If you want to regain control of your health and your weight, I highly recommended Cleveland Nutrition. Earlier this year, I went to a new Primary Care doctor. Because I was so overweight, I requested a referral to a a nutritionist but she, instead, referred me to a bariatric surgery center. It was soul killing to think that I was so far gone and that she believed that my only weight loss option ... More
If you want to regain control of your health and your weight, I highly recommended Cleveland Nutrition. Earlier this year, I went to a new Primary Care doctor. Because I was so overweight, I requested a referral to a a nutritionist but she, instead, referred me to a bariatric surgery center. It was soul killing to think that I was so far gone and that she believed that my only weight loss option was surgery. Despite being incredibly frustrated and discouraged, I wasn’t convinced that such an extreme choice was for me. I didn’t choose that route. Instead, I did my own research and found Cleveland Nutrition. Dr. Gutman and Sophie have both been wonderful and supportive. With their help, I have been able to lose weight and make significant changes by following their recommendations. Less
Cleveland nutrition helped change my health. Visited Dr. Gutman and Sophie with my health struggles and in four short days i had started seeing results. My blood pressure was 154 over 94 when i visited for the first time and that is after my doctor doubled my blood pressure. After following the program they put together for me my blood pressure dropped to 104 over 54 in just 4 short days. Two day... More
Cleveland nutrition helped change my health. Visited Dr. Gutman and Sophie with my health struggles and in four short days i had started seeing results. My blood pressure was 154 over 94 when i visited for the first time and that is after my doctor doubled my blood pressure. After following the program they put together for me my blood pressure dropped to 104 over 54 in just 4 short days. Two days later in an email to Dr. Gutman he advised going off medication for a few days to see what happens. Six days after stoppong meds i have never taken another blood pressure pill and it is now over one year. I have dealt with ulcerative colitis for about 20 years. Had to have colonoscopy evey 2 years because of higher risk for colon cancer. Six months after starting cleveland nutrition program i was scoped. My doctor a biologist said whatever you are doing keep doing it. For the first time in all these years you are in total remission. He also stated i do not see any signs of the disease. He said since everything looks normal i will see you in not 2 years but i will see you in 5 years. Cholesterol for the first time in my life was well under 200. More energy than i can remember. Sophie is fantastic. She was very encouraging and extremely helpful. In the beginning of this review i stated that this program helped change my health should of said it changed my life. God bless this program and the whole staff. Thank you cleveland nutrition. Less
Trying very hard to eat healthy and lose weight
Amazing!!! I highly recommend this program. It is teaching me to look at food differently.
I sought out Cleveland Nutrition for one area to work on and found I had another more concerning problem that needed addressed. I have found Dr Gutman and Sophie so helpful and knowledgeable in ways that have made a huge difference in how I feel and the healing process. The resources on the website are so handy and a great resource to draw from. I wasn’t left wondering what to do or where to go.... More
I sought out Cleveland Nutrition for one area to work on and found I had another more concerning problem that needed addressed. I have found Dr Gutman and Sophie so helpful and knowledgeable in ways that have made a huge difference in how I feel and the healing process. The resources on the website are so handy and a great resource to draw from. I wasn’t left wondering what to do or where to go. Thank you for what you do. Less
I’m so happy I was told about Cleveland Nutrition. Dr. Gutman and Sophie are wonderful. After participating in the 60-day Jumpstart, I feel great. My blood pressure has improved, I lost weight, I no longer have migraines and my energy level has increased tremendously. I look forward to continuing my journey with Dr. Gutman and Sophie and learning more about health and nutrition.
When I first started I was bigger then I have ever been. Reaching out to Cleveland Nutrition was the best thing I could’ve done. They make you feel warm and welcome and zero judgement. Even when you have a off week they are there to pick you up brush you off and say ok how are we gonna get through this and move forward. Excellent experience and highly recommend it.
Highly, highly recommend Cleveland Nutrition! Dr. Gutman and Sophie give you the tools and education to change your life for the better, treat and prevent chronic disease, and help you take control of your health. Making a lifestyle change and facing the problem is an intimidating and vulnerable choice, but you won't regret it. They help you every step of the way and make it doable for your life.... More
Highly, highly recommend Cleveland Nutrition! Dr. Gutman and Sophie give you the tools and education to change your life for the better, treat and prevent chronic disease, and help you take control of your health. Making a lifestyle change and facing the problem is an intimidating and vulnerable choice, but you won't regret it. They help you every step of the way and make it doable for your life. If you are hesitating; don't. No better time than now to start taking care of yourself. Less
This is a wonderful and life changing program! Dr. Gutman & Sophie has been a tremendous blessing to my husband and I. We have learn so much by joining the program! I have lost over twenty-five pounds and my husband has lost over fifty pounds in three months. I appreciated the many recipes that you have access to once you join the program and both Dr. Gutman and Sophie are very supportive of you... More
This is a wonderful and life changing program! Dr. Gutman & Sophie has been a tremendous blessing to my husband and I. We have learn so much by joining the program! I have lost over twenty-five pounds and my husband has lost over fifty pounds in three months. I appreciated the many recipes that you have access to once you join the program and both Dr. Gutman and Sophie are very supportive of your new healthy lifestyle change to help you see the results that you desire. Our quality of life has improve by utilizing our individualized plant-based plan. I am no longer on a blood pressure medication because of my new healthy lifestyle change. My husband and I are overjoyed with our results! We thank God for Cleveland Nutrition! Thank you Dr. Gutman & Sophie! God bless you! Less
I came to Cleveland Nutrition after reading about it in a Strongsville newsletter. When I first started the program, I was 252 pounds (I am 5' 4"), pre-diabetic, suffered with acid reflux, and other health issues. When I first met Dr. Gutman and Sophie, I was nervous; however, both put me at ease and explained the program to me. With their coaching, I have lost 50 pounds in 4 months by changin... More
I came to Cleveland Nutrition after reading about it in a Strongsville newsletter. When I first started the program, I was 252 pounds (I am 5' 4"), pre-diabetic, suffered with acid reflux, and other health issues. When I first met Dr. Gutman and Sophie, I was nervous; however, both put me at ease and explained the program to me. With their coaching, I have lost 50 pounds in 4 months by changing to a plant-based diet. I no longer need medication for acid reflux. I am also surprised at how palatable a plant-based diet can be. Although I am still working to lose more weight and get stronger, I have a solid roadmap to a "new me" and I have Dr. Gutman and Sophie to thank for it! Less
Dr Gutman's program has changed my life. I went through the program about 4 years ago and have continued it for the most part ever since. My diabetes has been more under control than anytime during the 25 years I have battled it. My last A1C was 6.3 which is the lowest I have had in years. I feel great and have kept my weight at lowest it had been since I was a teenager. THANK YOU DR GUTMAN!... More
Dr Gutman's program has changed my life. I went through the program about 4 years ago and have continued it for the most part ever since. My diabetes has been more under control than anytime during the 25 years I have battled it. My last A1C was 6.3 which is the lowest I have had in years. I feel great and have kept my weight at lowest it had been since I was a teenager. THANK YOU DR GUTMAN!! Less
Dr. Gutman is extremely knowledgeable about nutrition. The eating plan has helped me feel better and sleep better.
Sophie’s been amazing since the first day I walk into the building! She’s always supportive & caring. She has an incredibly dope personality and I can tell she loves her profession.