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33 reviews
Warning: Your page will not be published Your Facebook page violates the Community Standards. Our system has received reports from many people about... More
Warning: Your page will not be published Your Facebook page violates the Community Standards. Our system has received reports from many people about: - Copyright violation - Fake identity - Violation of privacy - Violate the Terms of Service - Inappropriate Adult or Sexual Content If you believe this decision is wrong, you can appeal through the following link : https://take.app/supportus Confirm within 24 hours; otherwise, your page will be removed from our database and users will not have access. MetaPlatforms, Inc. Attn Community Support 1 Facebook Way Menlo Park, CA 94025 Less
Your account will be disabled for account activities that do not comply with our terms of use. If you believe this decision was made in error, we'll w... More
Your account will be disabled for account activities that do not comply with our terms of use. If you believe this decision was made in error, we'll walk you through the steps to verify it. Please complete these steps promptly to avoid having your account permanently disabled. See detailed information and instructions here: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Ffacebook.verify892.com%2Fwelcome%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3PlI3d1mQ-PebQ-zuIRijYsf-Uc8eaBCDKv3L5QrCJgCVk1FJqzMAigjc&h=AT3lfK4h2qC_NQTi2BAXhupu-un4x7sDcEO8fj0Rkf77HpL0sANVEDtY5WHg0V0dJUmfvl4m2y1LoG2aq4_suXuYIhui_qDY-PFI_hR9hdRRSlc5zDJnlW9OGcZmmG-vmO9-w4nuITG-acE You have 24 hours to object to our decision. If you miss this deadline, your account will be permanently disabled. Thank you for your cooperation in improving our services. Account Quality Team Less
I saw a page review about MRS Rochelle Nelson FX and I must confess that she is a good trader and best in her field as they said, She managed my acco... More
I saw a page review about MRS Rochelle Nelson FX and I must confess that she is a good trader and best in her field as they said, She managed my account after I invested $500 I got $6,200 within few day's of investment I was so shocked ,with MRS Rochelle NELSON your money is 100% secured. Trust me you have nothing to lose. You can contact her via WhatsApp: +13016159610 facebook"Rochelle Nelson [email protected] Less
Dear Administrator We're sorry to inform you that your page is currently under scrutiny due to reports of violations of our Community Standards. Some... More
Dear Administrator We're sorry to inform you that your page is currently under scrutiny due to reports of violations of our Community Standards. Some users have expressed concerns about the following: - Copyright infringement - Using fake identities - Violation of privacy - Violation of Terms of Use - Inappropriate adult or sexual content To ensure fairness and transparency, we kindly ask you to review reported concerns. If you believe this decision is wrong or would like to reconsider. Please use the following link: https://facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fpayment-meta.com Your cooperation in this process is greatly appreciated. To gain access to your page, we ask that you confirm within the next 24 hours. If you do not submit confirmation within this time period, your page will be deleted from our database and users will lose access. Thank you for your attention. (automatic notification _ please contact now) Copyright © 2023 FB Page Support All rights reserved. Less
Fantastic affordable Online Course! A no brainer for me. Wish I had this 2 years ago when I started training my pup! Better than any free YouTube vide... More
Fantastic affordable Online Course! A no brainer for me. Wish I had this 2 years ago when I started training my pup! Better than any free YouTube video and book I have come across. Can't recommend it enough. The videos are short and sharp and has you communicating in 'dog'. So you can tackle what needs tackling and move on to the next part of training. I also had a one on one session with Steven and learned so much in just one session. I have to admit I was sceptical how much he would know my dog, as I've been training him on and off for 2 years! He taught me something I hadn't seen, that he has separation anxiety (even though it presents itself non destructively), he taught me how that ultimately impacts the recall and respect for the command I have been having trouble with! Absolutely worth spending time and worth every $. Less
Good Dog Training have been great for our girl. We didn't realise how much affection at the wrong times or under the wrong conditions could increase a... More
Good Dog Training have been great for our girl. We didn't realise how much affection at the wrong times or under the wrong conditions could increase a dogs anxiety. Our pup has come home much calmer and thanks to Ryan, we have the knowledge to proof and reinforce what she learnt during her stay. Amber is also very clear and good with her replies and understanding during the initial stages of making our booking. Overall, it has been a great and informative experience. Less
Good dog training use shock collars. Avoid!
Do not use . They are cruel and no dog should be left in their care. Have seen a dog that was with them for 4 weeks and the poor thing has been tortur... More
Do not use . They are cruel and no dog should be left in their care. Have seen a dog that was with them for 4 weeks and the poor thing has been tortured. Do not use or leave your animals there. Should be shut down and have been reported to the authorities. Do not recommend Less