Customer Testimonials
We’ve had Amanda as our family photographer for 7 years now. We’re always happy with the image quality. Amanda is really creative and talented with ed... More
We’ve had Amanda as our family photographer for 7 years now. We’re always happy with the image quality. Amanda is really creative and talented with editing. Less
Even a glance at Amanda's page shows her incredible talent - but in person, you see her passion, care, and professionalism. The. Best.
Amanda has been taking pictures of my family for 5 years now! She is fantastic with kids and very collaborative. Highly recommend her!
I have used Amanda for almost a decade to take our family photos. She's beautifully captured my twin's newborn photos, my maternity, fresh 48, milesto... More
I have used Amanda for almost a decade to take our family photos. She's beautifully captured my twin's newborn photos, my maternity, fresh 48, milestone, wedding photos... you name it! I have tons of friends and family that now use her as well. She has become family to us. Thank you Amanda for capturing our beautiful memories flawlessly! Less